Our security experts will help identify and resolve your organization’s risks through our VAPT services way earlier than attackers can exploit them.
It is systematic review of security weaknesses & vulnerabilities performed frequently to detect and respond to breaches proactively
It evaluates if the system is susceptible to any known vulnerabilities, assigns severity levels and recommends remediation or mitigation
Breachseal's Risk Assessment Approach
Kickoff meeting: includes definition of goals, scope and rules of engagement and expected outcomes
Confirmation of scope, rules of engagement, timelines
Collection of detailed information of targeted systems, applications, data flow, functionality and network infrastructure
Gather asset inventory of applications and infrastructure for test, system architecture, network topology and app versions
Black box Testing: external testing, no knowledge of code/design, threat modeling
Gray box Testing: combination of both black box and white box testing- limited know of internals, insider threat simulation and authenticated testing
Manual Assessments: Expert human testers – analyzing target systems for vulnerabilities, manual exploitation
Automated assessments, using industry standard tools and automated scripts developed inhouse, continuous scan ++
Technical reports includes findings from test, threat levels, impact and recommendation, inhouse VM platform, integration with ticketing system
Retest post confirmation that recommendations are performed by client, compliance certification and final report
VAPT Approach & Offering
43% of cyberattacks happen at this layer
Conduct comprehensive host-level security assessments
Best practices in server configurations Technology
Perform thorough Firewall Gap analysis
Cover all network components like routers, switches, and firewalls
It's critical to routinely evaluate your organization's cyber security due to the constantly changing tools, strategies, and techniques used by hackers to compromise networks. Here is our VAPT Services and the approach we have
Perform systematic evaluation of an organization's cloud infrastructure that includes cloud architecture, data storage, internal practices and access controls
Identify weaknesses, misconfigurations, access controls, controls for data encryption and potential threats
Check for vulnerabilities in your network's wireless entry points, WEP encryption
Check for internal and external threats using robust tools and automation scripts
Following the identification of possible security gaps by vulnerability assessments and penetration testing, the Cyber Security Operations Center assumes responsibility for ongoing monitoring to identify and stop any attempted breaches.
Perform validation of internal API security that ensures that sensitive data remains protected
Evaluating third-party APIs, in applications or services, check their trustworthiness and minimize potential risks
Validate authentication vulnerabilities, JSON web token-related issues, business logic flaws, injection vulnerabilities, and weaknesses in transport layer encryption (cryptographic issues
Comprehensive DB assessments for authentication and access issues
Regular Vulnerability Assessments and Penetration Testing (VAPT) are crucial for demonstrating compliance with industry security standards and regulations.
Conduct assessments by incorporating penetration tests that mimic real-world cyberattacks
Perform red teaming exercises that simulates the current industry best practice
Validate thick clients for memory corruption, program clashes, unauthorized code execution, stack overflow, internal CPU and memory allocation errors
Check for injection vulnerabilities that attackers use to insert malicious commands or code, potentially leading to data breaches or system compromise
Vulnerability assessments and penetration testing pinpoint vulnerabilities within an organization, while dark web monitoring provide information about external threats and helps determine whether credentials that have been disclosed or stolen are currently being used.
Continuous risk assessment process
Initial Reconnaissance
It has two main steps, selection and research of target
The intruder uses certain methods to compromise the target.
Gaining foothold
Maintain foothold of the compromised system by setting up a backdoor so that the machine can be accessed later
Maintain presence
The intruder will install multiple variants of back- door to gain remote access of the environment.
Lateral movement
Intruder expands the exploitation within the same network to gather more information. If intercepted motive of hacker is exposed
Internal Recon
Escalate privileges
Intruder will obtain a higher level access to the compromised machine by multiple methods to gain administrator privileges
Mission complete
Contact us at contact@breachseal.com to have a conversation with our cyber security expert regarding VAPT Services.
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